Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mitch, Adrienne, & Maren Marie

I have been anxious to post pictures of the adorable Maren Marie and her amazing parents Adrienne and Mitch! We ventured to a park near their house and had a lot of fun taking in the beautiful fall weather... and of course playing in the leaves!

A gorgeous family!

Maren loved being outside with mom and dad!!

Love it! What a beautiful family.

 It was a lot of fun working with you guys and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect fall day!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Braden & Riley

Today I had the great pleasure of taking pictures for a friend of mine. Her kids Braden and Riley are adorable and are full of personality. It was such a fun day to get to hang out with them and I even got a sneak peak at their awesome Halloween costumes! Braden is an amazing big brother to Riley and their great relationship definitely shows!

Like I said, AWESOME big brother : )

Ready for Halloween Braden was showing off his moves

And his tatts!

Thanks for letting me into your world Braden and Riley!


I recently had the opportunity to take some pictures of a handsome little subject that I know very well...
I present to you the very fun-loving Jacob!!

He has a contagious smile to say the least!


Such a little man already!

A perfect October picture to end on.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Barnes Family

I am very excited to debut my first family shoot with Brian, Kristin, Mattingly, and Briley. They are such an energetic and charismatic bunch, it was hard not to have fun with them.
Also, did I mention...
Cutest Family Ever. Period.

Briley in all of her glory!

Here are two of the most adorable daddy/daughter moments :)

 Mattingly had a lot of fun hamming it up for me

She rocks being ALMOST 4 years old!

again, what an amazing family

What a great day with a fun family! Thanks guys!